This blog post will give you update list of most useful functions of WordPress. Below functions basically used for WordPress category management.
- get_cat_ID : This function return the ID of category.
- get_cat_name : This function return the name of category.
- get_categories : This function returns the Categories
- get_category : This function give the only one category with ID.
- get_category_by_path : This function Returns the path of Category.
- get_category_by_slug : Returns the slug of category.
- get_the_category_by_ID : Returns the category by ID.
- get_the_category_list : Returns the categories by in array format.
- is_category : Is the category is available? check the availability of category.
- the_category : Check the category of post.
- wp_list_categories : Return all categories in array format.
Category Creation
- wp_create_category : This function used to create category.
- wp_delete_category : This function used to delete category.
- wp_insert_category : This function used to insert category.
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