If you are facing this problem you can esily solve this issue via adding following code.
Put this function call where your shortcode functions starts.
Befor ending of the shortcode function add this calling function
return ob_get_clean();
Here is the example how to do.
<?php function textshortcode($atts, $content = null)
{ ob_start(); ?>
<div style=”width:100%; position: sticky; z-index”>
<div style=”width:100%; height:7px; background-color:#f6be16;”></div>
<form method=”post” name=”form1″ action=”http://adityainfo.co.in/search-page/”>
<div class=”search-wrapper”><div class=”search-inner”>
<div class=”search-col”>
<p class=”search-title”>Machinery Search</p>
</div>—- code here —-
<?php return ob_get_clean(); } ?>
add_shortcode(‘textshort’, ‘textshortcode’);
this is how you can put shortcode where you want.